John Hankison Memorial Service

John Hankison Memorial Service

Please join us in remembering our friend, John Hankison, on Sunday, March 17, at 5PM at Life Church. There will be a dinner following John’s memorial service. If you can help provide food for this meal, please contact us.
Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University

  We all need a plan for our money. Dave Ramsey’s ALL NEW Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical,...
John Hankison Memorial Service

Christmas Candlelight Service 12/23

We will celebrate the birth of our Lord with a beautiful candlelit service on Sunday, December 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. So that everyone can enjoy this special service together, there will be no childcare this evening. The Crying Room and Atrium will be...
Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive

Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive

We are partnering with local businesses and the Community Action food pantry to stuff the Fun Bus with food! Please return non-perishable food donations to Life Church by Wednesday, December 12, when the Fun Bus will pick up the items collected. Our goal is to help...
Men’s Breakfast December 1

Men’s Breakfast December 1

Guys, join us Saturday, Dec. 1, at 9AM for an awesome breakfast prepared by our own Chip Spangler, a baker at Four Reasons. Mark Pfeifer will give practical input on how men serve God, excel at work and become a successful husband and father. Saturday, December 1 9...
Be Thankful with Us!

Be Thankful with Us!

David & Lori Drum invite you to share Thanksgiving dinner at 2PM at the Colonial Estates Club House, 2445 Columbus-Lancaster Road. Please bring a side dish to share. RSVP to Lori at (740) 689-8122.
Grace Haven Volunteer Opportunity

Grace Haven Volunteer Opportunity

Grace Have Ministries needs volunteers for various shifts on Friday, November 30, and Saturday, December 1 from 10:45 am – 4 pm at Carnival Foods. Volunteers will hand out samples to customers, and Carnival Foods will make a generous donation to Grace Haven. For...
John Hankison Memorial Service

Operation Christmas Child

We are thrilled to take part once again in Operation Christmas Child. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of...
New York City Mission Trip

New York City Mission Trip

Our friends at Victory Hill are coordinating a mission trip to New York City to help the victims of Tropical Storm Sandy. If you are interested in serving, please attend an interest meeting at Victory Hill on Wednesday, November 7, at 8:15 PM. “We are excited...