Men’s Breakfast May 4

Men’s Breakfast May 4

Men of all ages will gather for a home cooked breakfast from 9-10 AM on Saturday, May 4. This is a classic breakfast, cooked by our guys and served with lots of hot, fresh coffee. Because we know you’re busy, it all happens in 60 minutes: food, fellowship and an...
Softball Season

Softball Season

Guys, it’s softball season! Please contact us if you’d like more information about our team, and Coaches Chris Tipple (740-808-7678) or Joe Boyer (740-808-1926) will give you a call. Games are Saturdays at New Life in Lancaster. We’ll publish the schedule so...
Scioto Youth Camp Fundraiser

Scioto Youth Camp Fundraiser

You’re invited to learn more about Scioto Youth Camp at a fundraiser with food, fellowship, music, door prizes and a silent auction. This is the only fundraiser to cover the $60,000 annual operating budget and keep the camp free for kids in grades K-12. Saturday, May...
Women of Faith Conference

Women of Faith Conference

Ladies, the Women of Faith Conference is August 9-10 at Nationwide Arena in Columbus! Come enjoy two days of fun fellowship with your Life Church girlfriends joined by Lisa Harper, Liz Curtis Higgs, Sheila Walsh, Jamie Grace, Third Day and more! We will be carpooling,...
Relay for Life

Relay for Life

Our Relay for Life Team aims to raise $10,000 for cancer research! Please join in the fight by supporting a group of courageous bikers who will ride 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours! You will have the opportunity to make donations in the Atrium for these items:...
Wednesday Nights at Life

Wednesday Nights at Life

Wednesday night activities pick up for Spring April 10! Childcare is available for Nursery and Preschool children Life Kids in Grades K-5 keep on a Kingdom target at The Zone from 6:30-8 PM. Ron teaches an adult Bible study from 7-8 PM. We are currently studying...
Men’s Final Four Party

Men’s Final Four Party

Men… you think you have the ultimate big screen? How about 96″ diagonal High Definition, backed-up by a 1,000 watt sound system!! Come and watch the NCAA Men’s Division 1 Final Four on the big screen at Life Church this Saturday, April 6, at 6PM. Click...
Spring Break

Spring Break

Mid-week childcare, The Zone, and Ron’s adult Bible study will not meet this Wednesday, April 3. Your Life Group leader will let you know if there are any changes to your group’s schedule. Lancaster School of Ministry will meet on Tuesday, April...
Easter is March 31

Easter is March 31

Please join us for a special Easter celebration at 10AM on Sunday, March 31. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to enjoy special music, children’s ministries and refreshments.