Easter to be 'Bigger Than Life' at Olivedale ParkLife Church members cater to diverse audience with outdoor holiday service

6:05 AM, Apr. 16, 2011
Written by Michelle George, The Eagle-Gazette Staff

LANCASTER — Ron Grubb and members of his church like to be bigger than life when it comes to serving others in the community.

So on one of the most celebrated Christian holidays of the year, Grubb will take his church outdoors in the hope of reaching out to those who are in need or who otherwise would not attend a traditional church service.

Grubb said he will share the story of Jesus’ resurrection at 9 a.m. April 24 at Olivedale Park in Lancaster. Members of Life Church will hand out doughnuts and coffee, and entertainment will include live music and an Easter egg hunt for children.

Grubb said Olivedale Park intentionally was chosen because it is at the crossroads of many of the homeless and needy communities in Lancaster.

“Instead of an Easter service, we will be ‘in service’ on Easter,” he said. “We’re trying our best to do things bigger than life; so instead of putting on plays and concerts, we want to be a body of people to serve those who need service.”

Grubb said this is the first time he’s done an outdoor Easter service. Life Church was formed in January and has its services at Covenant Christian Church in Lancaster.

The concept of the church is simple and organic, with a strong focus on reaching out and serving the community.

“I want our people to get the concept that they and their families need to be active in the community,” Grubb said. “We want to be a church that serves others.”

Grubb said Life Church already has partnered with several other organizations for its Easter celebration: Foundation Dinners & Shelter, Bookbags for the Homeless, the Lighthouse Shelter and other local agencies are helping to spread the word to those who use their services.

In addition, Bookbags for the Homeless founder Debra Van Atta will be at Olivedale Park on April 24 to hand out bookbags and refills — Ziploc bags filled with items such as shampoo, toothpaste, a toothbrush and deodorant. VanAtta also distributes the same items in bookbags.

Grubb said in order to make sure as many people can come to the service as possible, free shuttle rides will transport residents to the park at 8, 8:15, 8:30 and 8:45 a.m.

The shuttles will depart from the following locations: The Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Shelter on East Main Street, Kroger on East Main Street, the gazebo in downtown Lancaster, Gypsy Joe’s parking lot on West Fair Avenue and Foundation Shelter on West Sixth Avenue.

Grubb said he encourages people to come as they are — no fancy dress clothes required — and to bring blankets and chairs.

He said those who want to volunteer are welcome to give him a call.

“We’re hoping, with events like this, we can motivate more people in the community to become volunteers themselves,” he said.

Michelle George can be reached at (740) 681-4342 or mgeorge@lancastereaglegazette.com.