Our Small Group serves at Foundation Dinners. Generally, our group is very involved but for multiple reasons we only had a skeletal group serving during a recent visit. We were feeling very rushed to get everything accomplished in the time we had.  Our kitchen supervisor, Maggie, spoke to one of the folks that came to be served.  She called him by name when she asked how he was doing, and I realized I recognized “Sam” and his girlfriend, “Laura.”

In the spring, after purging and moving our home and  dad’s home, we had given away a garage full of stuff.  However, there was still a lot of stuff left that needed to be removed.  A few years ago, someone from church had a friend who picked up all the leftovers when we had a garage sale. I called them again made the connection with his friend… Sam.  Yep, the same guy that was now at Foundation Dinners.

After getting permission from Maggie, I approached Sam and Laura and began a conversation.  He remembered me from his visits to our home and continued to tell me that although they have a “housing voucher” they have been unable to find suitable/approved housing so they lived in their friend’s garage. I felt love and compassion for them and was able to pray with them at Foundation Dinners.  I am hoping God will do some marvelous things in their life.  I was thankful for the connection and the opportunity to speak into their lives.

From my previous discussion with their friend, I realized Sam also needs our prayers regarding drug addiction.  Life can be difficult and he needs our prayers.  I pray God will do something super-natural in their lives. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve you in multiple ways.