Child Dedication at Life ChurchChild dedication is an incredibly encouraging and meaningful celebration. The combined elements of innocent children presented to the Lord by their loving parents, flanked by supporting family, friends and the people of Life Church, provides a powerful atmosphere that welcomes God’s presence, His provision and His powerful protection upon these little ones.

The purpose of Child Dedication at Life Church is to challenge those responsible for the care and nurture of each child to do so while looking to God for direction and promise. We are dedicating the raising of these children to the care and admonition of the Lord. In other words we are saying to God, “Lord I realize you have created this wonderful little person and have graciously entrusted me with his/her care and protection. I am now promising, with Your help, to raise this child up in an atmosphere of faith under the direction of the Scriptures, praying that my child will quickly develop a conscious loving relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ personally at a very early age.”

Perhaps just as importantly, we challenge the entire congregation of Life Church, along with family and friends, to do all they can to help raise these children in the loving care of the Lord and His Church. The ongoing prayer of faithful friends and family is indispensable toward successfully raising a child to maturity in Christ.  

We believe that the dedication of children to God is an act of faith on the part of the adult and not yet an act of faith by the child. The day will soon come in their personal development when they will become consciously aware of their need to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The prayer and purpose of this Child Dedication Service is for guardians of these precious children to provide the most conducive spiritual atmosphere possible in the hopes of encouraging them, when the time is right, to make that important decision themselves.

Please contact Marilyn if you would like to dedicate your child on Sunday, September 30, 2012.