01-04-2015 Account-ability Part 10

01-04-2015 Account-ability Part 10

Ron Grubb ~ Personal Ministry


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Life Story

Susan Bache and Jackie Hardman

Jail ministries

If you would like more information on how you can get involved like Susan and Jackie, please contact Tom Underwood or visit fairfieldcountyjailministries.org

Simple Faith Devo: Easily Offended

Simple Faith Devo: Easily Offended

“No, absolutely not! We are not allowed to ask our customers if they want a senior discount…” sputtered my friend who works as a cashier at a local restaurant, “Regardless of how old they may appear!” Interestingly enough, her company discovered many senior customers...
Life Group Survey

Life Group Survey

We’re planning Life Groups for the coming year! Could you please take a moment to tell us what’s happening in your home so we can make sure your needs and interests are addressed? Your responses don’t have to be super-spiritual; we truly want to know what...
Simple Faith Devo: A Star is Born

Simple Faith Devo: A Star is Born

The internet has provided countless thousands the opportunity to trace their historical ancestry through specialized websites. It continues to be a popular study for many, providing immeasurable satisfaction to those who seek to verify their personal heritage....
Simple Faith Devo: The Good and the Bad

Simple Faith Devo: The Good and the Bad

My wife, Marilyn, once experienced a powerful, personal revelation while working as the office manager at a busy mental health clinic. One of her many responsibilities was to create and maintain a crowded schedule of counseling appointments for a cadre of mental...
Simple Faith Devo: I’m Grateful it’s Uphill

Simple Faith Devo: I’m Grateful it’s Uphill

I recently drove past my boyhood home on Lake Road just southeast of North Berne, and was encouraged to see the current owner steadily working to restore its faded glory. More than one hundred annual cycles of frozen winds and baking sun have taken their toll… but...