My son’s senior year of baseball (and school) is upon us, and after a recent scrimmage my husband and I were holding a “debriefing” of the game and preparing for the next one (because that’s what parents do). We were peppering the boy with ALL the important...
Join us Sunday, April 4th as we celebrate Jesus, our risen Savior, on Resurrection Sunday! We will offer two services, 9am and 10:30am with Children’s and Youth classes offered at the 10:30 service only. 9am service will also be online. Click here to RSVP for...
“Hi, my name is Mitch and I’m a movie-aholic”. “Hi Mitch!” Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but maybe not. I have been an avid movie watcher since I can remember. I can be sucked into a heart-tugging, light-hearted romantic comedy like Sleepless In...
“Even as faithful followers of Jesus, we are sometimes left waiting and wondering how and when God will answer our prayers. He loves when we share our hearts with him; our dreams and desires, our fears and our disappointments. And I believe we bring a smile to...