3-22-2015 High Life Update

3-22-2015 High Life Update

Dear Parents, This week in High Life we completed our six-week series called Happy which has focused on finding true happiness in life by pursuing God’s path rather than the world’s path. Our key text for all of these lessons has been Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, in...
Simple Faith Devo: God Advertises in the Gazette

Simple Faith Devo: God Advertises in the Gazette

My grandparents lived out their lives in the shadow of Anchor Hocking’s Plant One on Garfield Avenue. Interestingly, neither worked at Anchor and so how they came to live in the midst of Lancaster’s version of an Industrial Revolution neighborhood is an incredible...
3-22-2015 High Life Update

3-15-2015 High Life Update

Dear Parents, This week in High Life we continued our series called Happy with a lesson on being pure in heart. Purity is a high calling. Imagine if you were offered a plate of cookies, and as you dug in, you were told that something weird was thrown in, like a...
Simple Faith Devo: World’s Toughest Job

Simple Faith Devo: World’s Toughest Job

I stumbled into a silent relationship with a young family as I shopped for groceries last week. We found ourselves crossing paths at approximately the same location each aisle and began sharing a smile. While Dad fought to maintain a safe distance from merchandise and...
03-08-2015 Spiritual DIY

03-08-2015 Spiritual DIY

03-08-2015 Spiritual DIY

Ron Grubb ~ Do-It-Yourself Spiritual Assessment and Repair


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Life Story

Debbie Herold and Mary Boyer ~ Fairhope Hospice

FairHoPe Hospice - Lancaster, Ohio

Fairhope Hospice & Palliative Care provides compassionate end-of-life care through a professional team approach.

Volunteers needed for:
Patient care in home & at Pickering House as a receptionist, “No One Dies Alone” program, etc. This requires a 7 week, one night a week training.
Trash to Treasure fundraiser which is the second Friday & Saturday in June. Help is needed to sort and organize the items that are donated to sell
Cookie Walk fundraiser in December. Help is needed to bake and organize the displays for the cookie walk.

For more information on how to get involved, visit the Fairhope Hospice website or you may contact Twyla Summers (740) 475-0699 and Debbie Herold (740) 654-8872

2014 Annual Financial Meeting

03-08-2015 ~ Annual Financial Meeting

The following recording of our annual meeting on March 8, 2015 to discuss financial statements from 2014. This annual meeting is required of all non-profit organizations, but we look forward to it as a time of transparency and accountability.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

High Life Update 3-1-2015

High Life Update 3-1-2015

This week in High Life our series called “Happy” brought us a powerful lesson on forgiveness. Our Beatitude for the week was “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” We talked again about the greatest commandment, love God, love others,...
Simple Faith: Free Lunch

Simple Faith: Free Lunch

It is an incredible privilege to be a pastor in Lancaster—to become a part of so many people’s lives, or, perhaps more accurately, they become a part of our lives. Recently, Marilyn and I were running errands in Lancaster and checking off our to-do list, when we...