VBS 2021 Registration Form

VBS 2021 Registration Form

Please fill out the web form below to register for VBS.     or CLICK HERE to download a printable copy of the form to send to Catherine Burleigh  (catherine@lifechurchohio.com). JUNE 16 – 20, 2021 Wednesday, June 16th (6:00-8:00pm) Thursday, June 17th...
Hey, Look At Me!

Hey, Look At Me!

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a bit of a gadget freak. Show me some new technology and start the tractor-beam, I’m sucked right in. One such tech that our family loves, that probably graces many of your kitchen countertops as well, is a Smart...
In the Meantime….

In the Meantime….

I was working at the church this week and our faithful volunteer Rodney came in and we started talking about lightbulbs. Through our discussion, a lightbulb came on for me. We were discussing that our lightbulbs keep burning out because our receptacles are so old and...
Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out

During a recent flip through the channels in a quest to find something worthy of watching, I stumbled across an old fav from my youth-Three’s Company. I thought “Hey, I could use some good ole fashion slap-stick comedy, some harmless fun, and nothing too racy or...
Driven to Distraction

Driven to Distraction

On a hill faraway…. sometimes it does seem faraway, doesn’t it? And in the events of history, it was. Almost 2000 years have passed since Jesus hung on the cross as a tried (although unfairly) and convicted criminal. It was so long ago that sometimes it can feel...