Simple Faith: One, Two, Three Strikes

Simple Faith: One, Two, Three Strikes

Older brothers become heroes and role models whether you want them to or not. It’s not a choice you make. You don’t wake up one morning and say, “Hey, my big brother is a cool guy, I’m gonna be just like him!” Nope. Like that funky, strange smelling corduroy coat,...
Simple Faith: Rock & Roll Created the Teenager

Simple Faith: Rock & Roll Created the Teenager

I suspect there are many things about High School in the 1950’s that isn’t all that different from high school today. Then, just as now, you got up way too early, drug a comb through your hair and boarded a rumbling school bus only to be dumped onto the high school...
Simple Faith: Childlike Adults get to go to Heaven

Simple Faith: Childlike Adults get to go to Heaven

The other day I pulled my old bicycle down from the rafters of the garage. Blowing the dust off, I discovered both tires were flat and the seat had some kind of funky fungal action going on. Two new inner tubes and a few adjustments later, I pedaled out of the garage...