Big Day of Serving

Big Day of Serving

High Life Student Ministries is ready to tackle The Big Day of Serving on September 28 in Cincinnati! They will work with other youth groups to transform a neighborhood in a single day. They’ll clean city blocks, alleyways and parks; help with landscaping &...
Benevolence at Life Church

Benevolence at Life Church

Ten percent of your weekly offering is set aside in a special fund to bless our families and community.  This summer we have supported: Rose of Sharon Church Foundation Shelter The Refuge Inspiring Soles to Run Bookbags for the Homeless Scioto Youth Camp Additionally,...
30 Hour Famine Outreach Mission

30 Hour Famine Outreach Mission

Through the 30 Hour Famine, youth are starting to understand the severity of the people suffering from hunger overseas. However, we also know there is a hunger crisis here in America, too. We are going to pack brown bag lunches to hand out at the FMC Emergency Room....
Biggest Loser Wellness Weekend

Biggest Loser Wellness Weekend

Life Church welcomes Ken and Austin Andrews, former father and son contestants on The Biggest Loser and founders of RetroFit Ministries! They will share how their journey toward Physical Wellness united their faith with fitness. Friday, June 28 Expert Wellness Panel...
Church Van

Church Van

Your contributions help cover our church van, which is available for our church family to use! Contact Marilyn at (855) 235-4525 ext. 2 to schedule.
Benevolence at Life Church

Update on Ian Straight

Thanks for your generosity and love for Ian Straight, age 10, as he is being treated for leukemia at Children’s Hospital. Your gifts of gas cards, groceries, meals, cash, visits and prayers have been overwhelming! Sign up to deliver (or order!) the family a meal at...
Relay for Life

Relay for Life

Our Relay for Life Team aims to raise $10,000 for cancer research! Please join in the fight by supporting a group of courageous bikers who will ride 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours! You will have the opportunity to make donations in the Atrium for these items:...