Baptism at Life Church Vineyard
Baptism symbolizes your cleansing from sin. Baptism throughout the New Testament indicated that a person had “repented” or turned away from sin. The apostles often referred to the fact that believers were washed from sin. Peter stated that the water in baptism symbolized not the cleansing of the body from the dirt, but the cleansing of the conscience. (1 Peter 3:21)
Baptism symbolizes your union with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection. When you become a Christian, you die to sin and your old way of life and you begin a whole new life in Christ (Romans 6:8). The very act of baptism (being immersed in water and coming up out of the water) is a picture of what happens to you spiritually.
Baptism is a public profession of your faith. It is an outward expression of the inward change that took place at your moment of salvation. Baptism is done before a group of people who witness your confession of faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is not the only way we profess to be a Christian, but it is an important way.
You don’t need to be baptized to be saved. The New Testament teaches that a person is saved by repentance from sin and faith in Christ. (Acts 2:38 and Luke 23, the thief on the cross)
You do need to be baptized to be obedient to Jesus. We are commanded to be baptized as a part of being His disciple (Mt. 28:19). Thus we don’t get baptized when we “feel like it,” or when we “get around to it” or when we are “led to do it by the Lord.” Baptism is one of only two ordinances or rituals that Jesus commands us to observe for all time. The other is Communion.
Baptism faq
HOW should I be baptized?
We prefer that believer be baptized by immersion as opposed to sprinkling or pouring. The term “baptized” literally means to immerse. This was how people in the bible were baptized, including Jesus! Also, immersion best symbolizes what happens spiritually when you become a Christian.
WHEN should I be baptized?
You should be baptized as soon as possible after you have personally trusted Christ for salvation and been “born again.” Remember you are not baptized in order to become a Christian. You are baptized because you are a Christian. We should not put off baptism, since it is a command of Jesus. Contact our offices at (740) 235-4525 to discuss our Baptism schedule.
WHAT if I was baptized as an infant?
Christians embrace different perspectives on infant baptism. Some baptize infants while others do not. Perhaps you were baptized as an infant. How should you view that baptism? You certainly want to show respect to your parents and their viewpoints, as well as be grateful to God for any spiritual influence they had in your life. However, our understanding of what the Bible teaches is that baptism is an action that follows conversion. So, if you have not been baptized since you have made a decision for Christ, we recommend you be baptized. We do not perform infant baptism at Life Church Vineyard for the reason that we believe it is a decision that individual makes, not their parents
Can I have my infant baptised?
Many congregations employ infant baptism much like we would employ infant dedication. It is an act of faith by the parents to promise to raise the child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. However we do not believe baptizing an infant assures its salvation in adulthood. We completely believe that all children are safely within Christ’s covering until they reach their age of accountability. At that time they become responsible to make their own personal commitment to Jesus Christ.
CAN my children be baptized?
Absolutely, as long as it’s their personal decision to accept Christ and be baptized, based on the above understandings and as long as they thoroughly understand what they are doing.
SHOULD I get re-baptized?
If you were baptized at another church, there are no Scriptural restrictions on how many times we should be baptized. As long as you were born again when you were baptized, and as long as the other church was a Christian church, then you need not be re-baptized. If, however, your baptism was merely a church ritual done prior to your conversion or if the church was outside the mainstream of Christianity, then we would encourage you to be validly baptized for the first time.
TIPS for your baptism
- Invite a person of significance to help baptize you. Is there someone who had spiritual influence in you giving your life to Christ?
- Expect great things!!! Invite family & friends to experience this special day
- During the service (likely at the end of the service), one of the Pastors will invite you to come to the front of the sanctuary.
- Wear a dark, cotton shirt & pants (preferably not jeans). Do not wear white or tan, please. Remember to remove glasses, watch, etc. before entering the tub. We also have baptismal robes available for you to wear if you’d prefer. Please let us know if you’d like to use one.
- After you step into the baptismal tub, one of the Pastors will give you an opportunity to share a word about your faith walk or what the Lord has done in your life to bring you to this point. Give Him the glory!!
- Then one of the Pastors will “immerse” you and state, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son & the Holy Spirit”.
- Life will provide a large beach towel or large bath towel that will cover you modestly. The towel will be wrapped around you when you leave the baptismal tub. Please leave your wet towel in the tote in the restroom.
- Bring: extra clothes. You are encouraged to leave your extra clothes in the appropriate restroom for changing after the service.
What an encouragement you are to us and the congregation at Life Church Vineyard as you follow the Lord in baptism. Blessings on you!!!