Because Marilyn and I are personally involved in the lives of our people here at Life Church, we know that all of us have been affected by the economic downturn. We believe it’s important for us as a congregation to show our compassion to those who are struggling, to care for our own as the Scripture commands us to do. We also see that not all of us are genuinely struggling; many are managing to maintain their situations financially.

Here at Life, we encourage everyone to set aside the first 10% of their income and bring it to the local church, the “storehouse,” the Bible calls it (Malachi 3:10). We believe the tithe belongs to God and it’s His sufficient plan to finance the church and the work of the church. If only everyone who’s able would tithe we could easily handle every financial need we encounter.

Each week, Life Church then sets aside its own tithe from the offering we receive. That is, we take the first 10% of each weekly offering (at a minimum) and transfer it to a special account we call Benevolence. The Benevolence Fund is then carefully and prayerfully managed by our Benevolence Ministry Team made up of Marilyn Grubb, Hal Harnden and David Lively. They meet regularly to pray and distribute funds to those who are in need. We never stockpile the Benevolence monies but quickly distribute these funds where they are most needed.

Recently, we have not been able to provide for all those struggling as well as we have in the past. These are good people with families who are doing everything to make ends meet but in these difficult times are finding it impossible. We want to help them even more. We believe you do, too.

This week, our Leadership Team ask me to personally speak to you regarding this shortfall. If you are doing OK, and you have money in reserve or perhaps own a business that affords you access to additional funds, will you pray and consider giving above and beyond your tithe directly into our Benevolence Fund?

Listen to the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 3:27-28 (The Message:)

Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person.
Don’t tell your neighbor, “Maybe some other time,” or, “Try me tomorrow,” when the money’s right there in your pocket.

If you are in a position to help, Marilyn and I would personally like to talk with you and explain how we might help those who are in need. Please contact me or stop by to discuss it with us when we are in the office Monday through Thursday.

You can make a significant difference in the lives of our people who are hurting.


(740) 235-4525 ext. 1