Baby Update No. 3: It’s the Final Countdown!

Baby Update No. 3: It’s the Final Countdown!

Archive from May 2017 ***This precious wee one started kindergarten this week. Let’s look back at her debut into this wonderful family: 36 weeks of my pregnancy went off without a hitch. I’ve told many people that this has by far been my easiest pregnancy. If...

If it Weren’t for the Tree

If it Weren’t For the Tree Our tree, I say “our tree” because this particular tree stands in Forest Rose Cemetery right at the Frear family plots. This tree signifies for us that this is where our family is buried, at least five generations. This tree is...
No is a Perfectly Good Answer

No is a Perfectly Good Answer

My grandson is two years old and, as an energetic two-year-old, he’s learning to speak. Every day, he picks up new words and uses them in creative, and sometimes, hilarious ways. Funny, but the first word he learned was “no.” OK, it might be because...
I Don’t Want to Forget

I Don’t Want to Forget

Growing up my family attended a local Baptist church. I have fond memories growing up there, specifically of a certain family, Larry and Dee. They had children close to the same ages as my sister and I; Lynette, Brett and Brian, and Dee worked with my mother. We were...