03-08-2015 Spiritual DIY

Ron Grubb ~ Do-It-Yourself Spiritual Assessment and Repair


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Life Story

Debbie Herold and Mary Boyer ~ Fairhope Hospice

FairHoPe Hospice - Lancaster, Ohio

Fairhope Hospice & Palliative Care provides compassionate end-of-life care through a professional team approach.

Volunteers needed for:
Patient care in home & at Pickering House as a receptionist, “No One Dies Alone” program, etc. This requires a 7 week, one night a week training.
Trash to Treasure fundraiser which is the second Friday & Saturday in June. Help is needed to sort and organize the items that are donated to sell
Cookie Walk fundraiser in December. Help is needed to bake and organize the displays for the cookie walk.

For more information on how to get involved, visit the Fairhope Hospice website or you may contact Twyla Summers (740) 475-0699 and Debbie Herold (740) 654-8872